EUDR: What is Happening and How Should Businesses Respond

EUDR: What is Happening and How Should Businesses Respond

This webinar will cover

  • EUDR's impact on businesses dealing with commodities linked to deforestation
  • Insights into the legal framework behind the EUDR and its enforcement timeline
  • Strategies for businesses to navigate the transition period and ensure compliance with the new regulations

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Data: 2024-10-03

Tempo: 11:00 AM Eastern (EDT)

Tarifa: Free


Tópicos: Audits

Alto-falantes: Pallavi Sharma, Anouschka Jansen

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O que você aprenderá

How will the EU's new deforestation regulation (EUDR) impact your business?

The European Union is introducing new rules to stop the import of products linked to deforestation. This affects commodities like cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber, soy, and timber. The rules are set to take effect on December 30, 2024, but pressure to delay this is building up. Join our fireside chat to hear about what is happening and what businesses can expect.

Join us for an insightful fireside chat with sustainability experts Anouschka Jansen, Director of Sustainability at QIMA, and Pallavi Sharma, Agricultural Sector Lead at Business and Human Rights Compliance (BHRC). They will discuss the current buzz around the EUDR and what this could mean for businesses, the unique legality that underpins the EUDR as well as how business should navigate the transitional period.

Sobre os palestrantes

Pallavi Sharma
Food, Agriculture and Biodiversity Lead, Business and Human Rights Compliance (BHRC)

Anouschka Jansen
Director of Sustainability Solutions, QIMA

Sobre a organização

QIMA is a leading provider of supply chain compliance solutions, that partners with brands, retailers and importers to secure, manage and optimize their global supply network.

QIMA has on-the-ground presence in 95 countries, combining industry-leading experts for onsite inspections, supplier audits and lab testing with a digital platform that brings accuracy, transparency and intelligence for quality and compliance data.

For all our clients in 120 countries who use the QIMA platform and benefit from 24/7 support in over 20 languages, QIMA is Your Eyes in the Supply Chaintm

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